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Women's Wisdom Card Deck & Guidebook

Women's Wisdom Card Deck & Guidebook


This package contains a full-color deck of 45 cards, in their own decorative mesh bag, and an accompanying Guidebook with detailed appendices describing how to start your own powerful and nourishing women’s groups.

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I developed The Women’s Wisdom Guidebook and Card Deck to support the necessary global re-empowerment of women, by giving us a format for speaking our intimate stories, building trust and sisterhood among and between women, and cultivating our awareness of the profound embodied intelligence living in each of us. Unlike the tarot and other divination or oracular decks, the Women’s Wisdom deck supports us to excavate and honor our unique wisdom – what we know, through our lived experiences as women. 

This essential body of feminine wisdom has been missing in the world for thousands of years, and its absence is almost entirely responsible for the catastrophic state of our world. The healing of our global human culture (and the earth’s eco-system upon which we rely for our survival) cannot happen until women step forward, claiming our place as the ones who hold this necessary, embodied wisdom – the intelligence of Life itself. But we cannot take this big, bold and dangerous action until we rebuild the foundation of women’s culture that holds and nurtures our embodied intelligence and wisdom. Beginning by remembering, speaking and listening to each other’s stories is the important first step.

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